Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Day That Has Been Made

"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24 

God has blessed me with another morning, another day for me to see. He has given it to me. Why should I not be happy about that? 

I have been making an effort to have devotions every morning, and have found that I am much more lighthearted in these mornings than I have ever been. Even if something takes a turn for the worse during the day, big or small, I don't fret. This is a day that the Lord has made for me. Whatever happens during this day is in His will and I have no complaints about that. I trust Him to take care of me. Why should I worry, then?

He has made this day for me. I can't get over that. Everything I see, hear, and feel right now is something He has created. The summer bugs outside my window, chirping and whirring away in the bright, heated sunlight. The tall, lively green shrubs giving those bugs a place to rest. The grassy yard and the mighty pines beyond. The garden that is overflowing with plants, the bees further down the the way that zoom around in the warm air and float along the cool breezes, the silk-soft tree frogs I find plastered onto the side of the house, the fish in the ponds that dart about in streaks of vivid oranges and reds through glassy waters, the fruit trees and spindly blueberry bushes that will someday explode into great proportions, and the great blue sky high above with birds and clouds of every kind in it. It has all been made by God and given to my family and me as a gift. It's a beautiful picture, and I am humbled by just this thought alone.

What has the Lord made for you today?


  1. O my goodness, I was just quoting this verse in my own devotions this morning! You are so right -- morning devotions really do get the day started right; they are wonderful reminders of God's blessings, faithfulness and constant presence in our lives (I do like nighttime devotions too!). You may perhaps like to read my post here: Have a super lovely weekend!

    1. How beautifully coincidental! And I ought to start nighttime devotions, especially since I have books on my Kindle with great ones for mornings and evenings (though I have been using Our Daily Bread for my current morning devotions).

      Your post was lovely, too, by the way. Thank you so much for sharing. It's a blessing and an encouragement!

  2. Elizabeth I need to do this more often, or at least more consistently. Thank you for giving me the motivation that I've needed :)

    1. You're welcome, my friend. :D Have a blessed week!
