I wore blue a majority of the morning, forgetting I was to be wearing green, got pinched for (apparently) no good reason, and only when I got on the Internet did I even begin to wonder what day it was exactly....

However, I grew tired of standing in the blazing sun, went inside and changed into a cooler outfit, then ran around with my camera taking pictures of all the lovely flowers that litter the front yard. We have many different types of fruit trees, and then there are those strange little white flowers that pop up out of the grass every year that remain nameless to me, and then the dandelions, which my mom specifically said were reserved for the bees, much to the dismay of the two squirts. Thankfully, there were enough fallen peach blossoms to keep them happy, so the little puffs of yellow in the grass were spared the agony of being plucked by little kids. xD

Surprisingly, no one was wearing green or orange. o.o Then again, neither was I, but I thought everyone wore some sort of green on St. Patty's Day? Guess not.
The weather had gotten to be significantly cooler than when I went into the store, so I was going to freeze if I went outside. My mom gave me her long denim coat (Yay for Mom!), which was normal looking on her. But when I put it on, the thing was HUGE. Now, my mom isn't big, I'm just really small, so, to get a better picture of this, try getting a trench coat, then super size it and put it on a toddler. Maybe a slight exaggeration, but that's what I felt like. Needless to say everyone was laughing, including me, as we all walked out to the car.
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