Sunday, September 16, 2012

(About) This Time A Year Ago

Six days off, but for an idea that popped into my head just now, I figured it wouldn't matter. With so many pictures from just about every month of the year stored on my little laptop here (-hugs it-), I thought it would be really neat to post photos from time to time that were taken on either the exact day or thereabouts from a year ago. And this works quite well now because I have a lot of photos from 2011!

So, here are some shots of delicate, baby pink roses I took last year on September 10th (thank goodness the computer remembers the exact date. I am so horrible with time it would be impossible for me to have remembered otherwise!). Dew still clung to their little dress-like petals, and I remember them smelling musky with a barely-there sweetness only nature could contain. No perfume could smell the same way at all without being overpowering. This smell you actually had to concentrate to notice, and when your nostrils did manage to pick up the faint little trace of rose, you could reel back in bliss and dance like woodland elves until the smell vanished from you.

I do love roses. Outside we have huge, stunningly massive knock-out roses, and the air near them is musky-sweet with their scent. Now that the honeysuckle isn't the dominant plant perfume, the roses get a chance to shine and let everyone know they are still blossoming. Even our tortoise likes the knock-outs -- he eats their petals!


  1. gorgeous photos as usual!
    your tortoise eats rose petals? haha. do you have any shots of the tortoise? xxx

    1. I don't, actually! 0o0 I shall have to get some sometime!

      And thank you~ =3
