Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Morning Powder!

"Look outside!" my sister announced with sleepy wonder as she opened the door to my room. My head popped up and I blinked slowly, wondering what she meant. I should have guessed, for it was still dark in my room at 8 A.M.. "It snowed last night!" she continued, making my little brother jump out of his sleeping bag (It was sleepover night.) and rip open my bedroom curtains. When I peeled myself up and looked outside, I was confronted with this beauty.

Thanks to a light homework load, I was able to go outside with the family and play in the snow. It was perfectly sticky, ideal for snowball fights and building snowmen. I rolled a snowman base so large that it was as big as me, and then rolled another one later that required help to move! Needless to say I had some fun today. There are a certain amount of hours a kid is given to enjoy snow, and being a Southerner, I still haven't used all of mine. Today I did get to take a chunk out of that time, though. Thumbs up for snowball fights against the younger ones. No one can escape me.

I digress. Work is...all I think about anymore, so today was a needed break. School has been canceled most of this week due to the ice storm blazing through the state, so I've been chipping away at my work at home here. Thank goodness for hybrid classes! 

Hope you're all having a good week so far! Who else is ready for Spring?

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