Sunday, May 11, 2014

Crochet Times Three!

{Recently, I have gotten into crocheting phone cases! I found a pattern not too long ago and just started making it my own each time. These are the results!}

{This is a beaded bracelet I made my mom for Mother's Day today (Love my mom so much! Just saying!), hoping that it wasn't too gaudy for her tastes. However, she adores it, and I have a new made-up-pattern to begin perfecting. I already have some ideas in mind of a blue one...!}

{And then this, my little iPhone case! It fits a phone with an otterbox perfectly (I have yet to be able to make another that fits as perfectly as this one does), and I hope to be making more soon! A friend of mine suggested that I make these in the patterns of national flags, and I may do just that, provided I have the colors. The US and UK flags would be pretty insane, though. o.o I'd have to learn some quality embroidery!}

Have a wonderful Mother's Day, everyone! 
Go forth and cook and clean and do all the the grocery shopping! 
I'm going fishing with my mom today. Fun!

Happy Sunday! ♥


  1. You have some serious talent here Elizabeth! Have you had finals yet?

    1. Yup! Finals were last week, and I got good grades on them all. =D So happy to finally be on break. Hope you're doing well, and thank you!
